Greet the light of a new day. It's time to awaken to a new world.You have the single most precious ability that a human can possess, right now, in your hand. You are ever in possession of it, yet, like the leaves of a tree, you release it periodically and turn inward to find the strength to grow the leaves again. You are divine... yet stripped of that knowledge, are you yet a human in possession of divinity? The Pleiadian Renegades have woven a narrative of deep understanding of what it is to be human. They share their insights as a people once out of local understanding of their innate divinity. Eons of soul-integrating immersion in the teachings of Nine — through Nemesis encounters and big bold triumphs of energetic lessons in divine transformation — have brought them, as a people, to the shores of our world. They carry with them the gift of knowledge and human friendship to share with us all.Read more by and about the Pleiadian Renegades at http://opalescentnine.com.

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