Fig Taylor

How to Create a Portfolio & Get Hired (Second Edition): A Guide for Graphic Designers, Illustrators

11,99 22,00

This book shows those embarking on an illustration or graphic design career how best to put together an effective, professional portfolio. It discusses what to include and how to organize and display the work, and also advises on presentation techniques and self-promotion. Both print and digital portfolios are covered.

Deciding who to approach for work is of key importance whether you are looking for a full-time position or freelance work, and the book maps out the creative marketplace, examining the main areas of work and describing the types of position available in each, and how the commissioning process works. Tips are included from commissioners and practitioners working in magazine and book publishing, design, advertising, TV/film and beyond, as well as agents and educators.

The book also features a listings section detailing online resources and publications to aid research, suppliers, specialist libraries, industry-related trade fairs and professional organizations.

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