Pedro Rosa Mendes

Bay of Tigers: An African Odyssey

7,99 20,00

In 1997, Pedro Rosa Mendes traveled across Africa--6,000 miles from the west to the east coast, from Angola to Mozambique--on trains with no windows, no doors, no seats, on wrecks of trucks and buses, on boats and motorcycles.
In war-torn Angola, a country where land mines outnumber people, Mendes found long lines of villagers waiting for shock treatment to neutralize the phantom pain in amputated limbs, an apothecary's tent purveying boiled mucumbi bark to combat scurvy lesions in the mouth, and trains crowded with people eating salted fish and drinking beer, swapping tales of local sorcerers who can turn into snakes. He interviewed international relief workers and corrupt local officials, widows and orphans, soldiers and survivors, piecing together a rich portrait no history or travel book can match.

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