Judy Carroll

The ZETA Message

13,99 25,99

This book documents the true events in the lives of two Australian women and their families who discover that in their previous lives, they were Grey aliens from Zeta Reticuli, whose spacecraft crashed in the desert in the American Southwest in the 1940s. The astonishing events documented in this book happened as related. Only names have been changed. The book explores the author's lifelong experiences with visiting off-planet beings and her gradual acceptance of herself and some close friends as reincarnated aliens, here to assist Earth in its transition to a better world. Such souls lead split lives, by day on Earth as humans, and by night on the extraterrestrial spacecraft as Zetas, helping distressed or recently deceased humans. A companion volume, Humans by Day, Zetas by Night , dramatises the events herein described in a fictional manner, with hypothetical, composite characters.

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