Kirk Cheyfitz

Thinking Inside the Box: The 12 Timeless Rules for Managing a Successful Business

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For the past decade and more, everyone in business was told that success in a rapidly changing world required constant ''thinking outside the box.'' The result has often been financially and ethically disastrous. Now, in a radical reassessment of what really works, this book shows that the business world lost its way when it forgot how to think inside the box. Challenging the prevailing wisdom and trend-of-the-minute management advice, award-winning journalist and international businessman Kirk Cheyfitz lays out a set of historically proven principles he calls ''The Box'' -- the 12 unchanging rules for building, expanding, and maintaining a strong business. Everyone with an interest in business -- whether students, entrepreneurs, corporate managers, consultants, or CEOs -- will benefit from the brilliant and fundamental insights of Thinking Inside The Box:

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