Optimal health without medication
Never before has the use of medicine been as high as it is now. We often assume that we need to take medicine to maintain our health. Instead of eating vegetables, fruit, oily fish, whole grain products and nuts, we take cholesterol-lowering drugs, acid reducers, painkillers and antidepressants.
Medicines are not a solution to becoming and staying healthy. Our diet, on the other hand, is still the best medicine. In Optimally healthy without medicines, doctor Rudy Proesmans passionately pleads for a natural and balanced diet based on the original Mediterranean eating habits. If you eat healthily, you can not only avoid a large number of diseases, with the right nutrition and specific nutritional supplements you can also successfully treat a large number of conditions. For doctor Proesmans, 'being healthy' is absolutely not the same as 'not being sick'. His life program, based on healthy nutrition, nutritional supplements, exercise and good mental hygiene, allows you to be and stay optimally healthy without medication.