Beyond coarsening
Strong plea against carelessness and aggression.
Petty violence nestles into our daily lives.
Road rage, bullying at school and at work, pets dumped here and there for the holidays, hooliganism, rude fuck-language... Respect, loyalty and reverence for all that lives seem to lose their meaning. More and more forms of 'petty violence' - bluntness, nonchalance, intimidation - are nestling in our daily lives. No one is spared: we all risk becoming victims and perpetrators of the increasing roughness - 'coarsening' - of our society.
From different perspectives, the authors search for explanations and remedies. Is the crisis in the family at the root of it? Or is the family a school of humanity? Is aggression against women increasing? 'Thou shalt not kill': what should we do with this commandment today? And what about socio-economic inequality, the gap between rich and poor? Urgent questions are given nuanced answers in this book.
The authors - theologians, ethicists and other human scientists - advocate active nonviolence as an alternative to indifference and aggression. Their refreshing contributions make us think about a particularly topical theme. A strong plea against carelessness and for a caring approach to all that is vulnerable. A consistent ethics of all life.