In the Name of Honor: Why Women Are Murdered by Their Families
Honor killings occur all over the world. Even the Netherlands has been
regularly shocked by the murder of a girl or woman by her father,
brother or other family member to save the family's honor. The honor in this
context is the honor of the man – and in a broader sense that of the whole family or even the village – who feels that the reputation of the family has been damaged by the behavior of his sister, daughter, wife or mother. In general, evidence of the transgression committed by the woman is not necessary: gossip and rumors are
enough to convict the victim. Rana Husseini has been writing about honour killings in Jordan and abroad since 1994, speaking to victims and perpetrators, to family members and neighbours, to judges and police officers. She has also conducted in-depth research into the religious, political and social backgrounds that create a climate in which women are considered second-class citizens with no right to exist.