Double dynamic: Young and experienced entrepreneurs about their unique drive
Wanted: starting entrepreneurs Get inspired and take the step yourself Twenty dynamic double interviews, in which sobriety and enthusiasm constantly alternate and complement each other, illustrated with unique photos. That's what you'll find in Dubbel actief. Each time, an established value and a promising starter give their personal account of their life's work. They talk openly about their ambition, drive for independence and job satisfaction, but also about their doubts, difficult decisions and risks. Businesslike and human at the same time. Dubbel actief aims to stimulate entrepreneurship. Not with theoretical explanations about business models and annual accounts, but with fascinating stories and interesting tips from driven entrepreneurs who know what they want and what they do. It is an indispensable source of inspiration to take on the challenge as an entrepreneur, to persevere or to adjust. This book was created in collaboration with the province of Flemish Brabant, which wants to stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit in Flemish Brabant with useful and fascinating testimonials from people from the region.