Apocalyptic Times: Friend and Foe in the 21st Century
Central to Apocalyptic Times are the year 2000, the 21st century and the third millennium. Now that the twentieth century has removed so many human utopias, the perspective of the gods beckons as if by magic. Back from never having been away, they populate the sky again in scents and colours. The world once again looks longingly towards the age of Aquarius, lets itself be carried away by the new shamans or rediscovers the charms of the purest monotheism.
In many ways, this turn breathes the mild escatology of New Age and the calm certainty of the oldest truths. Everything will be fine, if we just open up. But every turn of the millennium also has an apocalyptic character. Does history show an upward movement or a decline? Heirman strongly criticizes the apocalyptic eclipse that dominates half the world.