The Alphabet of the Sea: For Children from 10 to 100
The Alphabet of the Sea is the most educational and best illustrated book of
the sea. It is written for children ages 10-100 and every child ages 10-100 should
must take note of the contents.
The ocean is the largest and most important ecosystem on Earth.
Unfortunately, people do not treat the seas well. Far too much fish is caught
captured, which means that some species are threatened with extinction. We call this
'overfishing'. There are also many animals caught that the fisherman completely
does not want or is not allowed to catch. This is called 'bycatch'. It is mainly dolphins,
sea turtles and sea birds. Those animals almost all die and are killed
or thrown overboard again seriously injured.
The seas are also considered a huge garbage can. Toxic substances from
Agriculture and industry are disappearing into the sea, leaving fish and other animals
those who live there get sick. In this book you can also read what the consequences of the
global CO2 production for the ocean and life on land.
For each letter of the alphabet you will find one or more words that mean something
important things about the ocean. A conscious choice was made, because there
there are of course many more words!
In each chapter you will find words written in ORANGE and in CAPITAL LETTERS
are. They are not explained at that moment, but you can still see them
easy to look up in the book.