The Thirty-Something Dilemma: The Most Important Career and Life Questions of People in Their 20s and 30s
Around thirty, it seems like a permanent rush hour in your head. Big decisions have to be made about career, relationships, children and home.
Most thirty-somethings seem to have it all together. And yet something is nagging at them. The thirty-something dilemma, or the quarter-life crisis. Yet another fad, or a serious problem?
Nienke Wijnants conducted research into the phenomenon and discovered that no less than three quarters of highly educated people between the ages of 25 and 35 struggle to a greater or lesser extent with so-called thirty-something dilemmas.
People in their thirties today are faced with an almost infinite amount of choices in almost every aspect of life. Cohabitation, marriage, or not? Children or not, and when? Making a career, starting your own business, volunteering in Africa, or maybe that world trip first?
In addition, the image prevails that the ideal life can be created and thirty-somethings experience the pressure of the big, existential questions at an increasingly younger age. Am I on the right track? What is the point of my life? Is this it?
The Thirty-Something Dilemma is a book for and about thirty-somethings. It addresses all aspects of the doubts and questions of today's young, highly educated people. The book is full of tips and advice for thirty-somethings and for those who work or live with thirty-somethings.
Nienke Wijnants is a psychologist and career advisor. At the University of Amsterdam, she is doing PhD research on thirty-something dilemmas. She also writes columns and gives lectures and workshops for and about thirty-somethings in the Netherlands and abroad.