Opportunities for children: a path for youth well-being in Flanders
26,687 minors are in special youth care, 3,736 young people are on a waiting list, 5,600 different aid modules have been inventoried... Figures, testimonies, scientific interpretation, experiences and knowledge from the field and the sectors in the ad hoc Youth Care committee of the Flemish Parliament reveal that change is needed. The similarity with the analysis that took place more than ten years ago in a similar committee is painful. If nothing is done now, we will be talking about a social drama within ten years. If that is not already the case.
This does not mean that we have to start over. It does mean that crystal clear choices have to be made. All levels and stakeholders in the field show unwavering commitment, resilience and dynamism. There is sufficient knowledge available for a well-considered analysis and to have a fresh and innovative perspective on this sector.
That is why this book has been compiled. With thought-provoking issues. With contributions that each illustrate and substantiate the above. With ten emphases that summarize what needs to happen to put youth care, youth care and youth welfare on the right track.