Club Sandwich: The Forgotten Poets
When Gerrit Komrij was Poet of the Fatherland, he started the Sandwich series. Twenty volumes were published in this series, alternating between collections of promising debutants and anthologies compiled and introduced by Komrij from the work of unjustly forgotten poets. The fact that his nose for unknown poetic talent did not fail him is proven by the three nominees for the C. Buddingh' Prize among the Sandwich debutants: Bas Belleman (2004), Willem Thies (winner 2006) and Helene Gelens (2007). The other debutants were also received enthusiastically by the press and the public. In addition, Komrij managed to rescue nine poets from oblivion and he caused quite a stir with the last volume in the series: Bombast en larie. De 25schrikste gedichten uit de Nederlandse literatuur. The 25schrikste gedichten uit de Nederlandse literatuur. The entire series is now published in two thick volumes: the Clubsandwich.