Live or let die: is there a future for VRT?
As a member of the media committee, Carl Decaluwé brings a fascinating
account of fifteen years of debates and questions about the VRT in
the Flemish parliament. The common thread throughout this story is
the lack of cost efficiency and transparency at this government-owned company.
Carl Decaluwé has been following the Flemish public broadcaster for 15 years
up. His unique position justifies his observations and
annoyances that he would like to see resolved in the new
management agreement between the Flemish government and the VRT.
Negotiations for this will start soon. The new
management agreement does not leave the Flemish media untouched and
will take effect on January 1, 2012.
In the final chapter 'From local broadcast to local content'
Decaluwé outlines his vision of the future of the Flemish
public broadcaster.