Robert Draper

Dead Certain: The Presidency Of George W. Bush

16,99 27,00

Dead Certain is a story told in six sections. Beginning with an immersion into Bush the nascent politician (entitled Baptism ), we see in Through Our Tears a mandate-less new President evincing both collegiality and defensiveness as he pursues his conservative agenda. Dark City On A Hill describes the contentiousness that attends the roll-up to Iraq and the queasy slide from Mission Accomplished to the occupation of a broken nation.The final section, A Laying On Of Hands, finds a once-swaggering presidency desperately moving from one gambit to another in an effort to right its sagging agenda, culminating in the 2006 midterm elections that decide the fate of a hobbled administration. Far from being a retelling of well-known events, Dead Certain plumbs both the natural drama and the behind-the-scenes granularity of George W. Bush's episodic presidency. It will be regarded as a classic, inside account of this troubled presidency.

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