Fundamentals of Options Market
Find out how any investor can use options to lock in fast trading profits - and decrease portfolio risk. Options are today's most complex, versatile investment tool. Ignored by investors who see them as an aggressive, no-limits trading gambit - which they definitely can be - options can, in addition, provide conservative investors with risk-hedging qualities available nowhere else. One thing is certain: all investors who trade options, regardless of their goals and strategies, quickly learn that the leverage provided by options opens the door to a world of innovative, profitable trading possibilities. Fundamentals of the Options Market is a step-by-step guidebook for gaining increased trading profits - while protecting against market downturns - by using listed stock options, index options, and LEAPS. Plain-English analyses and explanations combine with quizzes, checklists, charts, graphs, and more to reveal: how to open an options account, map out your strategy, and place your first trade; trading tools - from synthetics to Greeks - for protecting positions and exploiting any market; and, tips of the trade - how to remain focused, keep control of risks, and manage your options position.From hands-on basics to advanced technical skills, Fundamentals of the Stock Market will provide everything you need to profit from options in today's volatile markets. Let this hands-on book - along with its companion fundamentals of investing guides - help you build the skills and confidence for options trading success ...before you risk money in the no-room-for-error waters of real-time trading! Hone your trading skills with McGraw-Hill's Fundamentals of Investing series! Other titles include: Fundamentals of the Stock Market by O'Neill Wyss Fundamentals of the Futures Market by Donna Kline Fundamentals of the Bond Market by Esme Faerber.

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