Winning the People Wars: What it takes to acquire and retain the talent you need
Do you remember the old days? When companies could sack half their workforce, relocate the rest, cut their benefits, freeze their salaries and expect good people to stay and be thankful? Those days are long gone - the talent/capital power balance has flipped over.The figures are astounding: in Germany, they already face a shortfall of 200,000 engineers by 2003. Two-thirds of all the executives in Western companies (US and Europe) are expected to change their jobs in the next 36 months. All of this at time when the New Economy means that you simply have to have creative, educated, intelligent people working for you or you'll get left behind. Just throwing money at them won't work either - people want a challenge, flexibility, personalised benefits - and you'll have to provide these things. This 2nd edition has been revamped and made even more personal, with all new material on how to take advantage of the people wars for you own career.

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