Jammy Lannister

Game of Scones: All Men Must Dine

7,99 20,00

The struggle for the Iron Scone has begun and chaos reigns throughout the Seven Kingdoms. Appetites are rising and kings, queens, knights, liars and honest men battle it out as they play the Game of Scones. Jammy Lannister, by right of birth, blood and dough, has laid his claim to the Iron Scone of Westeros: join him as he fights his way through the kitchen, encountering edible desserts and baked goods including Unsullied Soldiers (without nuts), Brienne of Tart, Jaime and Cersei's Family Mess and Tyrion's Shortbread. ARYA HUNGRY? BECAUSE DINNER IS COMING . . . Featuring exclusive new recipes in time for the final season!

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