Yehuda Berg

Kabbalah Haggadah

13,99 24,99

To paraphrase the question most commonly associated with the Passover Seder: Why is this Haggadah different from all other Haggadah? In the case ofThe Kabbalah Haggadah, it’s because this reading offers far more than the traditional Hebrew text and English translation of the Israelites' exodus from Egypt.The Kabbalah Haggadah decodes each part of this ancient text and its corresponding ritual, explaining the Kabbalistic concepts that they illustrate. With this knowledge, readers and Seder participants can easily take advantage of the windows of opportunity that the holiday affords to connect with the Light and achieve higher consciousness. Edited and with an introduction by renowned Kabbalist Yehuda Berg, this new version of the Haggadah is meant to be read not only during a Seder but all year long as a vehicle for understanding and transformation. A color illustration enhances each of the book’s 15 sections.

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