Robert Sardello

Love and the World

12,99 24,99

From the Introduction by Robert Sardello: 'Spiritual psychology is an active practice. It develops embodied, conscious soul life to make that life open and receptive to the spiritual realms. This is done as an act of loving ourselves, others, and the world. 'Psychology, I want to claim, is more than the study of the human soul. It is not possible to make such a study without the student undergoing inner changes in the process. Psychology, since it is we who study it, necessarily requires that the psyche be utilized to study the psyche. It therefore belongs inherently to the realm of practice. It is not a theory wandering around seeking application. We must do our psychology rather than theorize about the soul. And the doing of psychology is the doing of love-consciously, actively, and for the sake of others and the world. If you enter into the interior of these words, your soul will awaken, and begin to move in this direction. It follows, too, that this is not only a book about psychology, it is also the very speech of psyche itself.'

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