Daniel J. Buysse

Sleep Disorders and Psychiatry: Review of Psychiatry, Volume 24

44,99 72,00

Concise yet comprehensive, Sleep Disorders and Psychiatry describes the major categories of sleep disorders, detailing how virtually every psychiatric disorder and a wide variety of medical illnesses adversely affect sleep. Twelve experts in sleep disorders present current knowledge about these conditions and their treatment, emphasizing the disorders most likely to be encountered in psychiatric clinical practice. Following an in-depth introduction, six chapters cover the major categories—insomnia, sleep apnea, narcolepsy and syndromes of central nervous system–mediated sleepiness, restless legs syndrome, parasomnias, and circadian rhythm sleep disorders. For ready comprehension, each chapter follows the same format, presenting definitions, clinical description, epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, and treatment recommendations. More than 50 tables and illustrations enhance the text. Deeply informative yet structured for easy reference while "on the go" during everyday practice, Sleep Disorders and Psychiatry is the ultimate practical resource for busy clinicians.

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