Alan Uzelac

The Landscape of the Legal Professions in Europe and the USA: Continuity and Change

39,99 86,00

The present volume deals with recent developments in the legal profession in Europe and in the United States of America from a comparative and historical perspective. Apart from discussing the legal profession in general, specific attention is paid to the Latin Notary, the Advocates, the Rechtspfleger, the State Attorney, court experts, and mediators and arbitrators. Topics addressed include the decline of Big Law in the U.S., the classification of court experts as legal professionals in Italy, the demise of anticompetitive measures in the modern legal services market, as well as the question whether mediators should be classified as 'new' legal professionals given the fact that mediation services are currently being offered by many of the 'old' legal service providers. The volume concludes with a contribution on the collaboration of various legal professions in providing for the needs of legal practice.

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