Joe Swift

Joe's Small Garden Handbook

12,99 25,00

Any outdoor space is an invaluable bonus. Here, expert garden designer Joe Swift shows us how to create an area that meets all your practical and style requirements whilst making the best use of every inch of available space. Familiar to many as the co-presenter of BBC Two's Gardeners' World, Joe's practical and attractive ideas will enable you to create your own personal Eden. Chapters take you from the initial assessment and planning stages, to selecting suitable plants and hard materials, quick makeovers and year-round maintenance to keep your garden looking at its best. Joe reveals how to make the best of existing elements, how to conceal less pleasing aspects, and how to create privacy and the illusion of space so that you can make the very most of whatever area you have. And, throughout, Joe remains cost-conscious, aware that redesigning a garden can be an expensive endeavour.

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