Anthea Paul

Girlosophy 2: the Love Survival Kit: Girlosophy 2

12,99 25,00

A handbook on love, relationships and spiritual growth. By the author of Girlosophy - A Soul Survival Kit , it's a guide for every girl or woman who has ever tried to make sense of the patterns in her personal relationships and how it all fits into her individual destiny. Become a girlosopher and take the journey towards: the truth of your love destiny; an understanding of all types of love connections; a recognition of soul mates or twin flames; an honest appraisal of personal relationships; breaking down patterns and breaking through; developing the courage to overcome heartbreak - fast; learning to analyze yourself first; keying into karmic relationships and finding balance; and total unity of mind, body and spirit. Depicting and representing real girls from all over the world, the book aims to give a fresh perspective on love and life for the eternal girl within all young women.

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