Sabrina Di Nitto

Enlightenment Codes for Cosmic Ascension

9,99 25,99

The Enlightenment Codes Light Tablet guides the adept on a sacred cosmic path through Creation. In cooperation with Star Consciousness and various primordial and universal Energies, the Light Beings of Creation bring forth sacred initiations that re-ignite our divine seed of life, which inherently evokes the mythological Garden of Eden.

The multidimensional sacred architecture of this light tablet ignites the Light Tablet of the reader, Egypt, and the Earth. The ancient sacred sites of the Earth and the Nile Creational Temples bring forth the cosmic blueprint of Creation and show us how to re-activate the Divine Creator within and journey back through Creation into Source.

You will witness our Earth and yourself moving into source consciousness as these Enlightenment Codes empower you with their cosmic energies.

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