Nicole Jardim


18,99 30,00

For most women, getting their period sucks. Bloating. Cramps. Acne. Aches. Moodiness. Messiness. No wonder we call it The Curse! For many, it's not just an inconvenience'it's a colossal life disruption, forcing them to miss work, school, appointments, or dates.

We've been encouraged to medicate away common period problems with birth control and ibuprofen, and just survive the mood swings as best we can. But as Nicole Jardim explains, periods aren't a nuisance, they're information. When you learn to decode your period (or lack thereof), you'll be able to recognize the underlying hormone imbalances causing your period problems and know how to fix them naturally with Jardim's proven six-week protocol to resolve even the most challenging hormone imbalances and menstruation issues.

Joining the ranks of books by Jolene Brighten, Sara Gottfried, and Aviva Romm, Nicole Jardim's Fix Your Period is essential for women plagued by PMS, irregular, painful, or heavy periods, PCOS, Endometriosis, or fibroids'and for anyone who wants to take charge of her hormonal health'and regain control of her life'naturally.

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