Magenta Pixie

Masters of the Matrix

11,99 22,99

WHAT IS THE MATRIX? WHO ARE THE MASTERS?The White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine, through the channel Magenta Pixie, bring forward this transmission at a time of great change on planet Earth.Discover the true story of our origins as an energy system, how we "lost" the original template for our destiny, and how we are now in the process of "re-membering" those lost codes. Learn how humanity may reclaim the sovereignty which is rightfully ours, bringing us back into wholeness, integration and full understanding of who we are, what we are, why we are here and what we are here to do.Spirituality, metaphysics and science merge as the sacred geometry known as the "language of light" is downloaded and decoded. The realisation and activation of these "ancient codes for a new dawn of man" is an alchemical process available to us all. Now is the time that collectively we move forward into a fully conscious ascension, and embrace the new archetype of "Master of the Matrix".

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