Robert Steele

Orlando Bloom: Wherever It May Lead

12,99 23,00

Orlando Bloom walked straight out of the UK’s Guildhall School of Music and Drama and onto the set of The Lord of the Rings. Since then, he has starred in Ned Kelly, Black Hawk Down, Pirates of the Caribbean and the soon-to-be-released Troy with Brad Pitt. Bloom will also be seen in the crime drama Haven and the comedy The Calcium Kid in early 2004, while 2005 will see him reprise his role as Will Turner in Pirates of the Caribbean II and star in the historical drama Kingdom of Heaven.
Orlando Bloom: Wherever It May Lead tells the story of an actor poised to become one of the world’s biggest stars. It also covers his childhood as the son of distinguished writer and activist Harry Bloom, and assesses his relationships – including his brief engagement to model Jodie Kidd – and his passion for extreme sports, soccer, music and art.

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