Bob Garratt

Thin On Top: Why Corporate Governance Matters and How to Measure and Improve Board Performance

17,99 35,00

Taking readers behind the boardroom door, Thin on Top issues a wake-up call to directors and executives, government regulators and lobbyists, owners and investors, about what it will take to break the cycle of corporate misdeeds, professionalise directing, reduce corruption and ensure a civil society. Garratt advocates a back-to-basics approach based on the centuries-old value of good governance - accountability, honesty and transparency to owners, whether public or private, as he demystifies the role of the CEO, debunks the three most widely-held organizational myths about the limits of openness and personal power and details a system of metrics to measure and manage a new set of competencies for the board, its directors, and the company as a whole. Rigorous application of these alone will prevent most of the directoral disasters we read about in our daily newspapers.

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